Posts tagged Bible Reading
Day 1

Happy New Year! I hope everyone’s day started off well and that your reading of Genesis 1-3 also went well.

Just a couple of thoughts this morning. First - I don’t know how consistent I’m going to be at utilizing this blog, but I’m going to try and put down some thoughts at least weekly in regard to our reading. Please let me know if there would be certain aspects/topics that would be more helpful.

Second - the translation. For those using the NLT this will read easy, but different. It is much more of a dynamic translation (see here), but if it does what it did for me for you - which was to get me to pull out my ESV/NIV/NASB - that’s good. It will get you digging deeper into Scripture and hopefully meditating on it more.

Third - meditation…take some time and think over 3:21 - And the Lord God made animal skins for Adam and his wife.

  • Why include this detail?

  • What does it signify?

  • What might it point towards?

  • How does it rectify what Adam and Eve had done to try and cover their own sin?

  • What does this tell us about God’s character? About humanity?

There are many other questions you could ponder in regard to this text, feel free to share your thoughts/meditations in the comments. If you want to dig a little deeper take a look at the Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 7.3, 8.6.

Looking forward to reading through Scripture with you all this year and seeing how God grows us more and more in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.