Posts tagged 2 Timothy
The Sacred Writings Show us God

My daily routine in the morning has been much the same for many years. I started a habit of Bible reading when I was younger (thankful for my mother encouraging that), and by God’s grace, I continue in that habit (though honestly it is constantly a fight to make sure it’s not just reading, but also devotional in nature). One of my standard approaches to reading Scripture is to use the M’Cheyne Reading Plan and along with that D.A. Carson’s devotional books called For the Love of God (you can find the books [there are two volumes] here or go to the daily blog). This is a great resource that helps connect the readings and points your heart to Christ. As an aside - I know it’s already over halfway through April, but if you don’t have a plan to read God’s Word - it’s never too late to start, and today is always a good day.

All that to say as I was reading this morning one of the readings was 2 Timothy 3. We are probably all very familiar with verses 16 & 17:

16 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

The divine nature and value of Scripture in our lives is something we should know. Scripture is God’s ordinary means of grace: which means this is how God has set forth for us to grow (at least one of his key methods).

But aside from that what I want to point out is the two verses prior:

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it 15 and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

Paul is charging Timothy to continue in what he has learned and in what he has believed. He knows the character of those he has learned it from and how, since his childhood, he has known the Scriptures - the sacred writings. Look at that last phrase: which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.

It is in the Scriptures that we are made wise to salvation. It is not through nature or common sense (see Psalm 19), but through God’s revelation of himself. And what do the Scriptures do? They reveal Christ Jesus. The Scriptures do not save - it is Christ who saves. If in our reading of Scripture we miss Jesus, we have missed the point (see the interaction between Jesus as the two disciples on the road to Emmaus after his resurrection). As we see Jesus thought Scripture we see the heart of God and we see the glory of God.

This reminds me of something I saw from Dane Ortlund:


Let’s not just stop at our salvation, our faith in Christ, let us press on to know him…to know his heart and his love. Let our gaze into the face of our God transform us (2 Cor. 3:18).

Two songs this morning. First is Wes King simply saying that he believes in the Word of God.

And the second is this beautiful song from Fernando Ortega:

From "Live in St. Paul"-DVD. Eternal God, Unchanging Mysterious and Unknown Your boundless Love, unfailing In Grace and Mercy shown. Bright Seraphim in endle...