Day 11

Today we continue to read of Jacob with Leah and Rachel and the increase of his wealth even though Laban does not deal all that uprightly with him. The Lord continues to show his faithfulness to his own covenant. God continues to bless Jacob, not because of his stellar character, but because of his own covenant faithfulness.

On a side note, I was reading again this morning from Sibbes and this is just a little of what he wrote about tenderness of heart again:

“Heb. 3:13, ‘Let us provoke one another daily, while it is called to-day, lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.’ Let us use all means to keep our hearts tender. Oh, it is a blessed estate! We are fit to live when our hearts are tender; fit to die, fit to receive anything from God, fit for duties of honesty to men, for any service to God. But when we have lost sense and feeling, it must be the almighty power of God that must recover us again, and not one amongst an hundred comes to good. Therefore labour to preserve a tender, soft, and melting heart.”

Sibbes, R. (1863). The Complete Works of Richard Sibbes (A. B. Grosart, Ed.; Vol. 6, p. 37). James Nichol; James Nisbet and Co.; W. Robertson.

Consider Proverbs 4:23 and ask yourself - what is the state of my own heart?

Chad GrindstaffComment