The Sword of the Spirit

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It’s been a good while since I last posted anything here, but in light on Sunday’s message I wanted to follow up a bit with some further encouragement to read, study, meditate upon God’s Word. If we want to grow in our relationship with the Lord, we must be in God’s Word. It is one of his ordinary means of grace. Our Confession of Faith states: “The whole counsel of God concerning all things necessary for his own glory, man’s salvation, faith and life, is either expressly set down in Scripture, or by good and necessary consequence may be deduced from Scripture…” (WCF I.6)

There is tremendous beauty and benefit in God’s Word. Take a moment to read through Psalm 19:7-11 and just list the characteristics of God’s Word. Respond in thanksgiving and prayer asking that God would give you that view of his Word each and every day and that he would help you to see the beauty.

The law of the Lord is perfect, 

reviving the soul; 

the testimony of the Lord is sure, 

making wise the simple; 

the precepts of the Lord are right, 

rejoicing the heart; 

the commandment of the Lord is pure, 

enlightening the eyes; 

the fear of the Lord is clean, 

enduring forever; 

the rules of the Lord are true, 

and righteous altogether. 

10 More to be desired are they than gold, 

even much fine gold; 

sweeter also than honey 

and drippings of the honeycomb. 

11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned; 

in keeping them there is great reward.  (Psalm 19:7-11)

A video of Christians in China opening their bibles for the first time. Do you respond the same way when you open yours? The lady is saying: "Thanks be to Go...

Here is the video that was shown during the message. Pray that you would have that same longing and that you would recognize the preciousness of God’s Word.

One more thing - I just saw this app this morning called Redeeming Time (put out by the same developer of PrayerMate - which I have benefited from for years). We have a massive tendency to waste time on our smartphones - scrolling and doing mindless things. This app helps you see how much reading of God’s Word you could do in whatever time you have - 5 minutes, 10, 15…whatever it may be. And it has the Bible built in. Give it a shot and see what you think. It certainly won’t be a waste of your time.