Day 148 - Wisdom

The Book of Proverbs is a treasure for believers. This is a book of wisdom. Wisdom is something we all desperately need. Therefore it makes sense that if we want to grow in wisdom, a significant ingredient in that growth will be reading, studying, praying through, and meditating upon the Book of Proverbs.

We read chapter 2 yesterday. Take some time and write out all the active verbs that you come across. What does that tell you? Add to that the words of 3:5-8. What do these verses tell us about our pursuit of wisdom?

Most of you have heard me quote 4:23: Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. What would that look like in your own life?

Then as we come to the chapters that we read for today, what is the wisdom conveyed here? Do you find it significant that chapters are spent on this subject?

Let us not be people who die for a lack of discipline and let us pursue the wisdom of God.

Chad Grindstaff